Friday, September 16, 2011

Fins from Finland

Our very good friend Iiro (or Otto, as we know him) made some finned valve covers for the Buick nailhead some time ago as the Moon one's weren't all that pop and vintage ones were going on Egay for ridiculous sums. After posting about them on the HAMB during Tech Week 2006 he was contacted by Dennis O'Brien and a few others about purchasing the original pattern for them. Last winter Iiro was contacted again and here is the reslut. I guess 30-50 years from now people will be bidding ridiculous amounts for these on whatever FutureEGay they might have then. Good on you, Otto! Moral of this story? It's easy to buy history, but harder and cooler to make it.

Pics from and cover available at O'Brien Truckers.
Read the original discussion thread and view project pics at the H.A.M.B.

1 comment:

  1. Can't understand why text is bigger, smaller, bigger, smaller... But here you go;

    I'll be postin' more later...
